Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Slam, Bitches

The Original 81 got back doing what he does best - verbal assault.

Taking a break from Philly bashing, TO went after ESPN personalities(way to be original TO, nobody has ever done that before) Keyshawn Johnson and Bill Parcells.

Some of my favorite cuts are below -

"I challenge him to come down here and take my job. ESPN producers, let him go."

"I'm probably the reason he's in the booth now. He's going to be a hater and throw me under the bus because he has to defend Bill. He won a Super Bowl and all, but you'd have to check the roster to know he was even on the team.

"We came out in the same year. He was a first-rounder and I was a third. Go compare our stats. He couldn't come down here now and be a third or fourth receiver on this team. Just compare our stats."

"Those guys are probably talking about me, chopping it up, drinking coffee. They can have their little pity party and talk about me all day long. It doesn't bother me."

Good times in the D. Hasn't really been a good year for Keyshawn after the whole losing a job to a guy he told to stay in college and getting cut by a team that won't win seven games.

1 comment:

Mgar said...

TO sucks...i hope Key comes back and steals his job