Thursday, January 24, 2008

You Know Who You Look Like?

This guy Trevor I used to know in high school.

Who the fuck cares? Do I know Trevor? No, I do not. So what exactly was the point of telling me I look like him? I hate that shit. It doesn't matter who it is, I've heard it all.

I guess the worst case scenario would be a "hey, you look like my ex-boyfriend Steve". Not only is it annoying as fuck but I really can't see how that would help your cause. "Oh really? He used to beat the shit out of you while watching midget porn? Seems like a great guy. Anyways, I'm nothing like him." Tell me how that works out for you.

Slightly less aggravating? The "has anyone ever told you that you look like celebrity x?" Yeah, I hate that one too. Even if its a great celebrity, no chance you will ever live up to him. Maybe it is a D-list celeb, either way the guy is D-list for a reason. Probably a reason you do not want to be associated with.

The only thing more annoying is the do you know "x" game? Tell someone you went to the University of Bumfuck and they will pepper your ass with 20 'do you knows'. There was a time in my life where I would get legitimately excited if I could answer yes to one of these. Now, as soon as I hear the 3-word preface I'm tuned out. By the time you get the name out, I'm already balls deep in some broad halfway across the bar (figuratively speaking of course).

Is this what we have been reduced to as a human race? Stupid games about who we know or who we look like? Do the French do this? How about the A-rabs? I would guess no on both accounts. Something tells me they are a bit more sophisticated. So why must we resort to this time and time again? I just don't get it.

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