After having posted that last little blast on our boy TB, I have received some indifferent feedback. That's right, not negative, but indifferent. What in the fuck you ask? I know, I know. In the very least I expected some hate from some TB loving females.
Wait one second??? Females read this site? Well no, not exactly. It was really just me telling some females about my post and them reacting first hand but it's 4 am, I'm bored so fuck it right?
Back to the matter at hand...the attention was INDIFFERENT. You and I both know that every female in the greater New England area has reached climax dreaming of Tommy's chin dimple pressed firmly against their grundle (do girls have grundles?). For a girl to say they were indifferent regarding the golden boy is damn near blasphemy. I would just assume hear that the same girl did not masturbate or did not have mildly inappropriate thoughts about their first college roommate than to hear they weren't sexually stimulated by the greatest quarterback of the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.
My favorite part was the rationale. "He's not even a good father" or "He doesn't even have nice hair". Fuck me in the eye. Is this not the same guy who begged Bridge to wear a condom only to relent to her constant promises of diaphragm insertion? Is this not the guy who plays jokes on all of use by purposely fucking with his appearance on all the pregame shows just so we don't all get wet and lose focus on what is important (the game)? The hair? Bad parenting? What is that?
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